Don’t let the past ruin your future, you have to shift your mindset. Let go of the anchor to your past, you can only move so far in life if you don't learn to let go. Use it as a vehicle to propel you forward to create the life you want, based on knowing EXACTLY what you don't!
Angela Jean
If your excuse for feeling the way you do, and doing the things you do is due to an experience that happened or 5, 10 or 25 years ago, understand that what you are saying is that in that moment your evolution of self, stopped. You and your mindset have not changed since that moment. Sit with that for a moment. Your stories will hold your life hostage, so I suggest you start creating new empowering ones that will move your life forward.
Don’t let the past ruin your future, you have to shift your mindset. Let go of the anchor to your past, you can only move so far in life if you don't learn to let go. Use it as vehicle to propel you forward to create the life you want, based on knowing EXACTLY what you don't!
You're still fighting, but in this example, it's to keep your limitations. Your mindset has to pivot to use your
limitations as a mental map of how it's done wrong. Use it to course correct. This is what I saw, and it was awful, so let me steer my life in the opposite direction. Let me do the opposite, so that I don't have to live in that environment for one more day.
Don’t let the past ruin your future, you have to shift your mindset. Let go of the anchor to your past, you can only move so far in life if you don't learn to let go. Use it as vehicle to propel you forward to create the life you want, based on knowing EXACTLY what you don't!
Pay attention to the stories from long ago that are still vivid in your mind. Every time you tell the story or think about it, you keep it alive. You essentially breathe life into it, which breathes life into your belief, and we all know by now that our beliefs steer everything in our lives.
Flip the script to release the story. This is how you will start to shift your mindset and your belief. Start by writing down your thoughts; this can bring clarity to what’s happening in your inner world. Plus, I consider it a "brain dump" when you write it down. Follow these steps to release it into the external material world.
Write your current version, your deeply rooted belief about x,y,z. One topic at a time. Do not mix them up.
Read it out loud; make sure you are present, and you can feel the story you are telling and see it in your mind.
Then light it on fire, let it burn, and watch it burn. You will be amazed at how quickly your mindset will shift and you will no longer have the emotions that were there that day.
You have to be willing to let go. Let go of old memories that do not serve your highest good. Use them as lessons and as your guide to writing a new story. When you learn the lessons that traumatizing moments have to teach, you free yourself. Your path, your journey, makes sense. All the dots connect, and when you learn, you can be a vehicle of service to someone who is a few steps behind you.
The more you work on improving yourself, the more you improve the world.
If we are all responsible for the energy we bring into the world, we can begin to create lasting change.